Transforming Student Lives Through High-Quality Mental Health Programs
It’s here! Our latest MindBeat podcast episode “An Exemplar of Mental Health Courage – A Conversation with Patrick J. Kennedy” just launched! Click HERE to tune in!
ESS partners with school districts to help them implement culturally inclusive mental health and behavioral support programs that improve care, strengthen outcomes, address trauma, and maintain students in their home district.
Because every child deserves to reach their full potential.
ESS offers a multi-tiered approach to K-12 Mental Health Care
We provide clinical programs, professional learning, and consulting services to help districts introduce mental health best practices and build a mental health continuum that supports the needs of every student.
The MTSS Framework for
Mental Health Programs in Schools
The ESS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Framework for Mental Health provides educators with a common vision for organizing mental health support structures to ensure that every student is getting differentiated treatment based on the intensity of need.
ESS provides a holistic approach to mental health and behavioral support.
Intensive, In-School Clinical Support
Intensive, In-School Clinical Support
- Programming for students with the most intensive mental health care challenges
- Highly structured, longer in duration and wrap-around in nature
- Meant to return students from ODP, avoid ODP or serve as preventative support
Moderate Intensity Care and Crisis Response
Moderate Intensity Care and Crisis Response
- Programming for students with mild to moderate challenges
- Less intensive therapeutic structure
- Crisis assessment, crisis response and crisis re-entry programs
Mental Health Awareness and Prevention
Mental Health Awareness and Prevention
- Comprehensive mental health professional learning plans for educators and parents/guardians
- Universal support initiatives
- Develop capacity building initiatives focused on Trauma Informed supports
Mental Health Vision and Planning
Mental Health Vision and Planning
- Mental health needs assessment
- Clinical consultation
- MTSS playbook design
Addressing the mental health epidemic facing our young people is vital, especially in a post pandemic world.
Even before COVID-19, there was a mental health crisis. Over the past decade, children and adolescents experienced an increase in mental health challenges.
of youth ages 13 to 18-years had a mental health disorder.
of 12 to 17-years-old experienced a major depressive episode in 2019, compared to 8% in 2009.
increase in deaths by suicide among youth between 2014-2017.
increase in ER visits for mental health issues among 12-17 year-olds between March and October 2020.