Moderate Intensity Care and Crisis Response

As mental health challenges among young people increase, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most districts have a growing population of students with mild to moderate mental health challenges who may need moderate intensity interventions or more intermittent support or assistance, as well as an increased number of students who demonstrate a mental health crisis. While many districts fulfill part of this need with guidance counselors, school psychologists and student assistant counselors (SAC), the caseloads of these individuals are often unsustainable. ESS’ Tier 2 clinical services are designed to help districts bridge these gaps.

What are Moderate Intensity Interventions and Crisis Response?

  • Programming for students with mild to moderate mental health challenges
  • Less intensive therapeutic structure
  • Crisis assessment and crisis re-entry
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What does ESS provide?

  • Tier 2 Moderate Intensity Clinical Programming
  • Crisis Assessment, Response, and Re-entry Programs

Moderate Intensity Clinical Programming

Through Tier 2 Moderate Intensity Clinical Programming, ESS provides districts with a clinical program designed to augment the efforts of existing school staff in supporting the needs of students with mild to moderate mental health challenges. Through this program, ESS clinicians deliver a combination of individual therapy and family therapy, while also being able to incorporate group therapy as needed.

Crisis Assessment, Response, and Re-entry Program

Districts can often become overwhelmed with the day-to-day load of activities that make up a robust crisis response program. ESS’ Crisis Assessment, Response, and Re-entry Programs support districts through all aspects of crisis assessment and the follow up process, including:

• Evidence-based student mental health assessments

• Referrals to appropriate services and coordination with outside providers

• Daily planning and debriefing meetings on crisis assessments with school administrators

• Coordination and case management of a student’s re-entry plan into the district

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The addition of a Crisis Assessment Clinician has enabled us to effectively and efficiently meet the needs of students and families who find themselves in situations that require clinical insight and expertise to determine immediate interventional resources. Our primary goal is to keep students safe and happy, therefore the implementation of this role has afforded us a higher level of service and support.
- ESS District Partner

Learn More About Tier 2

Speak with our experts to learn how your district can improve outcomes and reduce costs

Complete this form to schedule a free consultation to learn more about your needs and challenges and to provide insights on where you may be able to improve mental health support.

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Learn more about Funding Sustainable School-Based Mental Health Programs

Complete this form to schedule a free mental health planning session where we will discuss available financial sources you can leverage to fund school-based mental health programs in your district.

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Our Unwavering Focus on Data Collection

At ESS, we have an unrelenting focus on data, measuring results, and communicating to our partners the proven impact our programming has on mental health, school outcomes and financial sustainability.

With every ESS partner, we will:

• Set data driven goals at the beginning of every implementation

• Have regular “Report Card” meetings in which we share the impact of ESS services

• Monitor data along the way to look for potential risk areas so that these can be proactively addressed

Learn more about our Will to Wellness 6 Step Framework

Complete this form to discuss best practices for districts, states, and federal policymakers that will reinvent mental health in schools over the next five years.

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Let’s Discuss Your Student Mental Health Needs

Fill out the form to request a meeting with one of our clinical experts to explore ways we can partner to strengthen your mental health programs.

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