Mental Health Blog

Understanding How Chronic Absenteeism and School Avoidance Affect Families

School avoidance disrupts families, creating both intrapersonal distress (and sometimes related physical symptoms) and relationship tensions between parents and children, between parents, and between siblings. Parents report feeling scared, exhausted, overwhelmed, and helpless.

| 7 min read

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May 30, 2024

Teacher burnout is a prevalent issue in the U.S. with broad-reaching implications for students and educators. Recently, three Effective School Solutions (ESS) team members came together on MindBeat, the definitive go-to podcast for all topics related to school-based mental health, to discuss this important issue.

May 21, 2024

Perhaps more than ever before parents are asking how they can help their children become resilient and self-sufficient adults, and how to instill the “grit” that is needed to thrive in our increasingly complex world. It is not surprising that parents are confused.

May 14, 2024

A school professional encountering a student who frequently exhibits defiant, angry, or aggressive behavior might have the impulse to label the child as “oppositional” or simply “a problem kid.” It is rare, however, that children and adolescents choose to be difficult.

May 2, 2024

While it’s never too late to intervene to improve childhood mental health disorders, the earlier children receive support, the better.

April 26, 2024

Strong social connections aren’t simply a nice thing to have. They contribute to well-being and to a full and meaningful life.

April 18, 2024

Temple Grandin, autism influencer, advocate, and author of “Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions”, says, “If I could snap my fingers and be non-autistic, I would not. Autism is part of who I am.”

Learn more about Funding Sustainable School-Based Mental Health Programs

Complete this form to schedule a free mental health planning session where we will discuss available financial sources you can leverage to fund school-based mental health programs in your district.

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Our Unwavering Focus on Data Collection

At ESS, we have an unrelenting focus on data, measuring results, and communicating to our partners the proven impact our programming has on mental health, school outcomes and financial sustainability.

With every ESS partner, we will:

• Set data driven goals at the beginning of every implementation

• Have regular “Report Card” meetings in which we share the impact of ESS services

• Monitor data along the way to look for potential risk areas so that these can be proactively addressed

Learn more about our Will to Wellness 6 Step Framework

Complete this form to discuss best practices for districts, states, and federal policymakers that will reinvent mental health in schools over the next five years.

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Speak with our experts to learn how your district can improve outcomes and reduce costs

Complete this form to schedule a free consultation to learn more about your needs and challenges and to provide insights on where you may be able to improve mental health support.

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Let’s Discuss Your Student Mental Health Needs

Fill out the form to request a meeting with one of our clinical experts to explore ways we can partner to strengthen your mental health programs.

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